Sizzle & Boo is now closed.

Thank you for all your support

Dear Boos,

We are closing down Sizzle & Boo and won’t be restocking any gowns or beds next year. I want to say a huge thank you for everyone’s support and enthusiasm over the years!

My wife Emily & I started Sizzle & Boo in Summer 2021. We wanted to make something cool that we’d use, and I personally wanted to test out my own skills by creating a brand ourselves. (I’m a web and brand designer - check out my stuff and get in touch if you need anything!)

Life looked very different back then, it was before we got married and before baby Bea was born! During this time I have also had some personal struggles and didn’t feel like making videos to promote our products at times. But Emily kept everything firing on all cylinders… She packed all the orders, booked Christmas fairs, replied to all of our customers plus a whole. Thank you Emily for everything - you are a superstar and I love you very much.

But… Really exciting… We’re donating all of our stock to The Cotswold Dogs & Cats Home, so look out for a video about that. I was hoping to do it before Christmas to give their Dogs (and Cats!) a little present, but between Christmas holidays and time off, we decided to do it early next year!

Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas break with family and friends!

Lots of love,

George, Emily, Pizza, Sizzle & Bea